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Image inspection fails on built container image

This document (000021489) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Manager Server 4.3


The image build process finishes successfully. However, no packages are added into the image during the build process and subsequent Image inspect process fails with following error code.
The Inspect image event summary:
System History Event

Image Inspect ******/systemen/kubernetes/sumabuilder/*****scheduled by ******
This action will be executed after 6/3/24 5:01:05 PM CEST
This action's status is: Completed.
The client completed this action on 6/3/24 5:01:58 PM CEST
Client execution returned

Module function docker.sls_build threw an exception. Exception: /var/tmp/venv-salt-minion/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/salt/states/ DeprecationWarning: The x509 modules are deprecated. Please migrate to the replacement modules (x509_v2). They are the default from Salt 3008 (Argon) onwards.

(code 2)


Following workaround fixes errors with image inspection and adding packages into the image

1) Below lines needs to be placed before "USER app" within the Docker file that is used to build the image.

RUN mkdir -p /var/cache/venv-salt-minion

RUN chmod 777 /var/cache/venv-salt-minion

2) There is also another requirement missing for the salt-bundle within the container and that is package libexpat1. Package needs to be installed manually later when the container is triggered from the image.


The root cause of the issue is impossibility to create /var/cache/venv-salt-minion directory by the salt-bundle as the default user inside the container is set to app so app user is used by salt to inspect the image.


Reported to Engineering


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  • Document ID:000021489
  • Creation Date: 11-Jul-2024
  • Modified Date:31-Jul-2024
    • SUSE Manager Server
    • SUSE Manager

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