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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Quarterly Update ISOs

This document (000021494) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (All Service Packs)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 for SAP (All Service Packs)


What are SLES Quarterly Update (QU) ISOs?

For the installation media and the VM Guest images, SUSE offers two variants:

The first, containing GM in the file name, consists of the package set as shipped on the first customer shipment date.

The second, identified by a QU followed by a number in the file name, contains the same package set but includes all maintenance updates of the packages that have been released in the meantime. Quarterly updated media are refreshed every three months, with the first coming three months after the GM release.

You only need either the GM or the QU media, not both. Which version to select depends on your needs and preferences. If you have newer hardware, the QU version might be the better choice. The installation procedure is identical for both variants.

For both variants it is recommended to install the latest updates released after creation of the images during or immediately after installation.



How to access SLES Quarterly Update (QU) ISOs?
The QU (Quarterly Update) ISOs can be downloaded from the the regular SUSE Download page , and can be identified as quarterly update by their name. 
For example "SLE-15-SP5-Full-x86_64-QU3-Media1.iso".

To access the "QU" ISO, first click the "Account" link at the top of the SUSE Download page , then click "Login".
Here you will enter your SCC credentials. After authentication, scroll down the page to find the additional ISOs.

Additional Information

Caveat for installing SLES with QU ISO:
Important: Quarterly media update: self-update disabled
The installer self-update is only available if you use the GM images of the Unified Installer and Packages ISOs. If you install from the ISOs published as quarterly update (they can be identified by the string QU in the name), the installer cannot update itself, because this feature is disabled in the update media.


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  • Document ID:000021494
  • Creation Date: 12-Jul-2024
  • Modified Date:12-Jul-2024
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications

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