Python 3.11 Stack for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15


In the ever-changing landscape of Enterprise Linux, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. At SUSE, we recognize the need to empower our users to advance. With that in mind, we are excited to share an important update for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (SLES 15).

The Extended Life Cycle Advantage

One of the distinguishing features of SLES 15 is its impressive extended life cycle of 13 years, ensuring support until 2031. When SLES 15 was initially released, it pioneered with Python 3.6, aligning with the promise of an enterprise-grade product. Despite Python 3.6 reaching its deprecation support by the Python Community, SUSE remains steadfast in its commitment to sustaining Python 3.6 throughout the entire SLE 15 lifecycle.

The Need for Progress

Recognizing the evolving needs of our customers and partners, we understand that many seek the benefits of a more recent Python interpreter. In response to this, SUSE introduces an exciting new chapter with the inclusion of Python 3.11, a forward-looking release that brings a host of enhancements to the SLE ecosystem.

Python 3.11: A Performance Leap Into the Future

Python 3.11 is not just an update; it’s a leap forward. With over 500 updated and fully supported Python modules, this release represents a significant stride in providing a modern and comprehensive development environment. In SUSEs evaluation of the new addition, the Python 3.11 Stack performed on average 1.91 times faster than the Python 3.6 Stack. This addition seamlessly integrates with both new and existing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installations, ensuring a smooth transition for users.

Coexistence for Compatibility

It’s important to note that the introduction of Python 3.11 does not disrupt existing workflows. The primary Python version (3.6) remains untouched, with no changes to the associated modules. For compatibility reasons, the /usr/bin/python3 binary retains Python 3.6 as its version. However, to cater to the demand for a more recent interpreter, an additional /usr/bin/python3.11 is being provided in the SLE Python 3 Module.


No Collision, Seamless Integration

SUSE understands the critical importance of system stability. The new Python stack is seamlessly integrated, coexisting harmoniously with the existing packages without any conflicts. This forward-thinking approach allows users to install Python 3.11 without impacting running applications, ensuring a smooth and risk-free transition.


Ready for your containerized workloads

The modern Python 3.11 Stack including the 500 SUSE security maintained Python modules are available today for any user on a large set of supported host operating systems via SLE BCI, SUSE’s comprehensive, security maintained and redistributable Container solution. For direct download, go over to the SUSE Registry  and learn more about the exciting offering on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Base Container Images landing page.

Available Now and Beyond

The modern Python version, Python 3.11, is now available via the Python3 module for SLES 15 SP4.. Excitingly, subsequent service packs, including SLES 15 SP5, will inherit this powerful update, solidifying our commitment to delivering progressive solutions throughout the SLE 15 lifecycle.


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Dirk Müller (profile)
Dirk Müller  is a Distinguished Engineer working on SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, Linux container and other open source technologies.