Stop the Churn with SUSE eLearning


The Covid pandemic has taught us has brought us a lot of new phrases in the workforce. First, there was “quiet quitting” – the desire to do “just” what’s in your job description and no more.  Then there was the “great resignation” where it seemed like everyone was looking for their next opportunity.  That led to “quiet hiring,” where the people left in positions took on additional work — with no (or minimal) extra pay.

With all that being said, workplace churn is real.  So, what is a savvy manager to do to retain their top employees and keep their businesses running?

One answer that keeps coming up is the opportunity for continuous learning.  As the technology landscape changes, your technical professionals want to keep their skills both sharp and current.  But can you afford to send your top employees away for a week or more to satisfy their desire for technical knowledge?

Announcing SUSE eLearning for the Enterprise

SUSE has heard the requests from our customers and has expanded our eLearning offering to address the Enterprise needs.  Differing from our Individual eLearning tiers, the Enterprise tier addresses the modern workplace by providing:

  • Up to 5 eLearning subscriptions that you can swap amongst employees
  • Up to 1000 hours of lab time for hands-on experience
  • Up to 10 Certification exam vouchers

The best part – an eLearning subscription provides access to every SUSE technical training course.  And with new courses rolling out frequently, your team will be the first to learn about new technology as it happens.  Getting access to the latest information as soon as it’s released is not only good for your team but also for your business.

But What Is SUSE eLearning?

SUSE eLearning is training designed for today’s workforce.  It’s literally training your way: anywhere, anytime. With just one subscription, you get access to all the technical training for every SUSE product.

Interested in SUSE Manager, NeuVector, or Rancher Prime?  Take the appropriate courses to learn more.  Interested in Harvester?  We’ve got courses for that too.  Whether you are looking for a bite-sized video to solve a specific problem or a defined learning path that leads to certification, SUSE eLearning has exactly what you need to satisfy your employees and move your business forward.

SUSE eLearning has been in the market for over a year for your individual learners, but now there’s a tier defined specifically for the enterprise.

*Includes 200 hours of live labs per user with a maximum of 1000 hours during the subscription period. 10 certification exams per subscription; not per user.

So, while the market is churning, keep your employees engaged with continuous learning.  Make eLearning part of your plan to increase job satisfaction.  After all, your business is only as good as your people.  And your people are only good if they are engaged.  It’s up to you to stop the churn.

Learn more about SUSE eLearning Subscriptions and all the training offerings that SUSE offers by clicking here.

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Stacey Miller Stacey is a Principal Product Marketing Manager at SUSE. With more than 25 years in the high-tech industry, Stacey has a wide breadth of technical marketing expertise.